Thursday, February 5, 2009

Celebration in the ward

Paul is still doing well after 48h of chemo. Thanks to a higher dosage of antinausea medicine, he is much less nauseous than during cycle 1 when he was under the same 72h of continuous Cisplatin and Doxorubicin.

Today Rima was kind enough to come at 8:30am to replace Mum who went to work. She took care of Paul until grandma arrived with Paul's home-cooked lunch.

Paul had a computer drawing lesson at the day school, along with Lewis who has the same age. Tomorrow they should finish up the masterpieces.

Later in the afternoon, there was a departure celebration and a magician's performance in the ward for a girl who completed her 9-month treatment.

1 comment:

  1. Hi paul,

    So pleased to read that you have started cycle 2 and you are doing well. Hope you had enjoyed the celebration!!!

    Love you a lot

