Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monday: 1st day in hospital

12h at the hospital for 2 Xrays of 5mns (all normal) .. a bit of a wasted time yesterday afternoon at the hospital, but well.. NHS is doing a lot of good things for us.

So chemo is starting today at midday only. The reason is they need to check his catheter line is well placed and not infected (they might move it a bit this am to allow for a better cleaning).

Paul, with his favourite caregiver Corinne, had a good lunch prepared by Téta (she arrived yesterday from Beirut and ...spent her first morning in our kitchen).

In the afternoon, there was a celebration in the ward for Lewis who is doing his last chemo. He has some magician skills and taught one trick to Paul.

Téta, Jeddo and mum stayed with him till Dominique came to take over for the night.

They had a good laugh with the neighbours, 8y old Marya and her mother, who reassured Paul on the Stanmore surgery experience (planned for March 16). Yes Marya's scar is not so bad and should go away with time. Besides Paul is looking differently at bionic Marya after seeing her Xray of the bad leg showing the famous prosthesis.

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