Monday, May 4, 2009

Paul had a restful day at home yesterday.

The secondary effects of Methotrexate are still present: upset stomach and minor ulcers (much less than in cycle 1 when he couldn't swallow anything).

His appetite is reasonable but we're still working on making him gain back by natural means the two kilos he lost (it's eating or the feeding tube).

Laura, the physio, gave him an excellent training session with a new set of exercices to build the quadriceps muscle. Paul almost walked normally on five meters (with crutches of course). And Suzy is pampering him with massages.

All this help allowed me and Clara to go for a jog in the park as we've set running targets for the next three months.

1 comment:

  1. Morning Paul,

    First of all, I miss you a lot. Again and agian big thank you for your mum and dad to keep us posted with your good news and lovely photos.

    I bet your milkshake is one of the best.( Alf SaHa ) My lebanese wish for a Good Health.

    Can I tell you that you look charming in both photos: with mum preparing the milkshake and with your great granny. She is beautiful!

    Best of all is hearing that you are walking. Excellent!

    My warm hugs for you, Clara and your whole family.

