Zeina and Jimmy visited monday morning.
Blood counts were not improved: neutrophils (white blood cells) are at 0.0 and platelets remain very low. Sunday's platelets transfusion was a top-up for one day only as only the bone marrow can provide some continuity.
Neutrophils slightly improved to 0.1 today, as he is at day 9 (out of 10) of his G-CSF injections which should help trigger the bone marrow.
Paul was quite unhappy yesterday and the doctor allowed him to spend the afternoon at home given he is under antibiotics and with no fever.
Hadrien visited him at hospital and accompanied him at home to play on the Wii.
Rosemary and John (who took Clara out all of sunday's afternoon) held us company and stayed for dinner.
But the most difficult task is to make Paul eat. He continues to loose weight. He can't swallow due to his mouth sores and he is full just after a few spoons of liquid foods.
Anne-Marie and Alexis took him back to the hospital in the evening where he spent the night with his cousin Robert.
Today Tuesday, he'll have another platelets transfusion and will go home in the afternoon (to stay there).
Thank you for sharing the pictures ... so sad the mouth sores are so bad ...