Wednesday was a bad day for Paul: he had a short night due to the many nurse checks, was exhausted, had nausea and no appetite.
His dad arrived from Beirut and Clara came to the hospital with him.
Paul improved in late afternoon as the physiotherapist Louise took him and Clara to the gym. He played mini-bowling, basket-ball and tennis and his smile returned.
Thursday he was better. He got his private tutorship in the morning, then the day school, and inevitably, took a deep and very long nap.
Methotrexate is almost out of his body now and he should be out of hospital tomorrow. We're praying he won't have mouth ulcers this time.
Clara went to visit her cousins in Hamburg.
Tonight Paul wanted to replace dad with mum "under the obviously exaggerated pretense of his sonorous snoring"*. But his parents held tight in full solidarity and mum is enjoying silence at home.
* Official statement written by dad himself
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