Another long night of sleep, then late breakfast with Corinne, Suzy, Clara and mum.
Paul did some homework before lunch in an Italian restaurant with Esther, Michel and their two daughters, along with Suzy and Corinne.
We have all been eating so much over the last few days, in full solidarity with Paul, that we all became kind of puffy. As you can see in the picture, Paul's example was too good not to follow. In his case, this is no waste as he'll be starting this Monday two weeks of nasty Methotrexate whose secondary effects are ulcers (which means Paul will have trouble to eat.
Corinne, Suzy, Clara and Paul (in his wheelchair) had a long stroll in Hyde Park, with Suzy sharing her encyclopaedic knowledge of all things canine.
As always Paul is in great spirits.
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