Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Another busy day at UCH

Paul and I emerged at 9am, enjoying our temporary private room. These rooms are normally reserved for patients with infections and who need to be isolated.

Big news today: Paul walked, with his crutches of course, bearing weight on his left foot, from his room to the playroom. This is quite a distance that feels like 50 meters or so to me.

Suzy took over by midday. She will be with Paul for the next three nights.

Paul had a busy day: A French lesson with Mme de Beaufort (even more fruitful in a closed environment), two visits to the playroom, and a visit to the day school with painting exercises on the computer.

The 4-hour high dose Methotrexate infusion went almost unnoticed.

Paul got a new splint which will help him be more mobile as it will allow him to bend his knee without having to remove it first.

Otherwise he has been quite nauseous and he didn't eat with a lot of appetite during the past two days.

On a personal note, in the take-everything-positively chapter, I have been bombed on the head by a feathered flying machine of the type nurtured by Philippe in Beirut. I am told this is good omen ... from the behind of a bird unfortunately not rare enough to be of any omen but I tend to welcome all potential omens as good these days, in all shapes, forms and smells.


  1. Hi Mireille, quick note from Michèle (remember me ? a friend of Corinne and Sylvain from Airbus, in Toulouse - and we have one thing in common: we both have a Clara ! actually, we have another thing in common second one: the fathers of our Claras are both named Philippe !!!). Just learn from Corinne about Paul's illness and wanted to just say I'm thinking of you all and that I hope that Paul will quickly recover and play tennis again soon (Sylvain needs a lesson, I'm pretty sure, so get ready quickly Paul !!!).
    Je vous embrasse.

  2. Dear Mireille,

    Itis a good Omen indeed. The best thing is the positive attitude of your whole family. I must tell you all- you are wonderful and I am sure soon everything will be back to normal. As you said ,Mireille, in one of your notes the treatment is almost at the end.

    Sooo pleased to read that our prince (Paul) walked and for this I will ask you to hug him warmly for me. My hopes of having you , Clara and him out one Saturday for a meal in a restuarant of Paul's choice are higher now.


