Paul was a bit tired and had little appetite yesterday and today. But life goes on and he got his first private lesson in hospital with Madame de Beaufort who teaches History, Geography and French at the Lycée. He then took a two-hour nap and rose in time for a pottery class at the day school of the hospital, along with his friends in the cancer ward. He will be back home tomorrow, as soon as his MTX level goes below the minimum threshold.
He is attended to daily by Jeddo, Téta and at least one member of the Nassif sorority. Today Dominique volunteered to spend the night with him. Can't wait to take a photo of her as soon as she gets up tomorrow morning.
Salut Paul!!
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Cette semaine, c'était pas la joie: on avait cinq contrôles!!!
Au foot, il y avait des endroits pleins de boue si bien que Alice a glisse et elle est retombée assise!!!!
C'était très drôle!!!
On pense tous a toi. Avec Marianne on se disait qu'on irait bien te faire un petit coucou.
On peut dimanche après-midi. Qu'est-ce que tu en penses???
Je sais qu' Ediz te prends les cours.
Si tu veux quelque chose n'hésite pas a demander.
On a pense a organiser un concours de grimaces pour te soutenir et te faire rire.
Je t'enverrais les premières photos la semaine prochaine.
Ce sera a toi de décider laquelle est la meilleure!!
Lily Lou