Paul went to school for a couple of hours today and his maths professor came for a private tutorship.
Thanks to Téta, Paul's home is quickly turning into a kitchen with living quarters as an afterthought. Excellent Beef Strogonoff and marinated chicken for lunch, shared by his cousins Danielle and Robert.
Wii in the afternoon, a chapter of the "Wonderful Adventures of Nils Holgersson" read by dad (the one about the peasant who questions a medium about the future of his province and who is reassured only when she tells him that peasants will keep prospering), duly followed by a spontaneous nap for both father and son.
Paul still had time to do his maths homework before dinner .
Fish and risotto in the evening. Téta truly is a life-transforming entity.
Tomorrow, Paul's parents are going for a one-day trip to New York for meetings with doctors from Memorial Sloan Kettering, especially Paul Meyers, in order to cover all bases.
While there is almost no uncertainty left both as to the standard chemo protocol and to the type of surgery best for Paul's case (and that it will probably be performed in London), there is a new biological compound, L-MTP-PE (Mifamurtide or Junovan or Mepact) produced by IDM Pharma, currently being reviewed both by the FDA and the European Commission (for possible approval in early 2009), still quite controversial in its efficacy, but which Paul Meyers has been testing and championing for a few years now. We'd like to know whether our Paul would be a candidate for this drug and if so when and how we can get it to him.
Otherwise, Paul's temperature is normal, and his character, stamina and appetite are largely intact.