Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Feghalis ran today!

Here's Marie's account of the run:

Peter who had a sore tummy nevertheless managed to run half the distance before he felt sick (big kudos for him). John decided that he was going to win for Paul and darted in front of the pack (Peter and I were midway, Marc was walking in the back). John followed the orange flags and then took a wrong turn and kept on running. The Golden Gate Park police, mounted police, and runners were sent all over the park to find him. He was found much later, dehydrated and in tears, and reunited with his very teary family. Anyway, the day was otherwise a success. We were happy to be there and Peter and John were given a medal for their fundraising efforts. They were very, very touched to be there.
Thanks for helping them make this day a success. They very proudly announced to the crowd that they raised $1,385.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Keaton, Son and Brother, Lover of Reptiles

The fail-proof medicine against osteosarcoma has not been discovered yet but Paul's illness has shown us the power of the worldwide web to enable far-flung and yet truly heartfelt solidarities between the families of osteosarcoma warriors. If only solidarity could cure osteosarcoma ...

During the past year, we have exchanged frequent emails and experiences with many parents of osteosarcoma kids, mostly in the United States, some who are doing well so far (fingers crossed) and some whose role is now to look after us from where they are.

We want to acknowledge the departure this morning of Keaton, a beautiful young man from Arkansas who had every promise of intense love in his heart, he who was fond of cold-blooded creatures so many people do not even attempt to understand.

We share in the tears, for the loss, and for the pain these kids endured. Crocodiles too must be sharing in the tears. Sincerely for once.